As a paediatric neuro physio in London I have always enjoyed working with children. Physio treatment for children should be fun and engaging. I also thoroughly enjoy the games, the paintings and all the activities that we conjure up together. I am always learning from my little pupils. Children are amazing teachers. One of my patients, a little girl showed me that if you really want to achieve something you have to work at it, and she does. She arrived at my practice being incapable of lying, sitting or standing nor could she balance or track with her eyes from...
I have been studying the effect of eye movements in neurological patient groups since year 2000. I was very excited to read Andoret van Wyk’s article. This article described my experiences exactly. Poor ocular movement’s results in inattention as well as head tilt and poor spatial awareness. The Author reports that 70% of stroke patients are affected by eye movement disorder. These include: Difficulty in maintaining the normal ocular positions may result in disconjugate eye movement, Difficulty moving the eyes appropriately, Strabismus one eye or both eye deviate, Nystagmus, Difficulty with spontaneous and voluntary movements of the eyes during functional...
My first experience at the Transverse Myelitis Family Weekend at Calvert Trust. I work at Birkdale Paediatric & Adult Neuro Physio in London. We have been working with Transverse Myelitis Society very closely for some years. I was very excited to participate in the second year Family Weekend at Calvert Trust which is in a beautiful setting in Lake District. The timetable was jam packed with outdoor and indoor activities for children with TM and their parents. A wonderful opportunity for the children to get to know each other and exchange ideas. The Calvert Trust offers life changing experiences through...
Huge amount of work goes in to organising a master class. At some point late last year, we decided that it would be a very good idea to create a two day training around the benefits of FES and why and how it enhances recovery in central nervous system. The next step was inviting speakers and of course who better than Prof Daniel Becker and Dr Paul Barreras Cortes from John Hopkins University and our friends at Ottobock: Dr Salim Ghoussayni and Ms Lynn Vale. Stuart Dunn and Matt White from Cyclone Mobility and Glyn Blakey from Saebo also joined...