How would my child benefit from neuro physio?
Down Syndrome in Children is a genetic disorder but represent itself with low tone and often hypermobility as well as ocular motor disorder and visual acuity and speech and language processing. This means that there is delay in the following:
- head control
- in ocular motor skills
- in hand and eye co-coordination
- in motor organisation
- in hand function
- in sensory and motor integration
- in trunk and pelvis control
- in walking
The physiotherapists at Birkdale Neuro Rehabilitation Centre use aircushions to achieve ocular motor skills as well as had and trunk control.
On the air cushion we can work with hand and eye coordination and teaching hand function.
Using a simple peanut ball will encourage vestibular activity and trunk rotation.
Rolling is a fun activity which has many components to it. Using this fun activity the neuro physio can improve eye directed movements, head control and trunk rotation and organisation of the body in space. Practicing this on a big air cushion is fun and it also enables sensory feedback to work on the next stage which is posture and balance in sitting and standing to prepare for walking.
Having prepared the child for walking we need to start thinking about how we could prepare the child for the next stage.
Teaching ocular motor skill as well as tracking is important so that the child is prepared for two hands function and cross body movements and spatial orientation skills.
It is also vital to teach the child about their environment and encouraging him or her to understand about cause and effect.
As the child grows and becomes a young adult, different challenges are ahead of them. Each stage of life has different requirements. At Birkdale Neuro Rehab Centre we are happy to treat and advise and prepare the person for the next stage.
For further information please click here or contact us on 020 8795 2209.